Player vs. Player
Bloodlust, Heroism, Time Warp and Ancient Hysteria can no longer be cast while in Arenas.
The Battle for Gilneas
The time it takes to capture a flag has been reduced to 5 seconds, down from 8.
Strand of the Ancients
The damage done by Antipersonnel Cannons has been doubled.
The missile speed of Rocket Blast (Antipersonnel Cannons) has been increased by roughly 50%.
Some Antipersonnel Cannons could shoot the platform they were spawned on. These spawn locations have been fixed.
The Battleground Demolisher no longer has two additional seats and now only has room for the driver.
A PvP duration flag has been added to Battleground Demolishers. This should make it so crowd control effects cast on unmanned demolishers does not last an extended amount of time.
There should no longer be a discrepancy in time when the Battleground Demolishers spawn at the start of each round.
The Battleground Demolishers spawned on the docks no longer despawn when the north graveyard is taken by the offense.
Massive Seaforium Charges should now be useable in rated Battleground matches.
The duration of the Teleport debuff has been lowered to 10 seconds, down from 20.
The radius of the Seaforium Blast has been lowered to 10 yards, down from 20.
The Teleporters on defense will now teleport players based on which line of gates have been destroyed, rather than directly behind that gate. For example, if a player clicks the Teleporter at the Blue gate when one of the beach gates has been destroyed, it will put the player behind the Red gate.
Tol Barad
Attacking forces will receive a 200% capture speed bonus when they control 2 keeps.
Defending forces will receive a 200% capture speed bonus when they control all 3 keeps.
Daily quest creatures, herbs, minerals, etc. will only spawn when Tol Barad is in the quest phase between battles. There will be 5-minute and 1-minute warnings before the quest phase ends. The quest phase ends 15 minutes before the battle for Tol Barad begins and queuing is made available. At that time any players in the daily micro dungeons will be ported just outside. This does not apply to Tol Barad Peninsula or the daily quests there.
The weekly PvP quest “Victory in Tol Barad” now awards 200 Honor Points and 3 Tol Barad Commendations.
Players can now see the status of Tol Barad on the World Map no matter where they are. The time to the next battle is displayed by zooming into the Tol Barad section of the map. The current controlling faction can be seen on the Eastern Kingdoms map.
PvP Bug Fixes
Players are again able to report other players as AFK from the maps and chat interfaces in Tol Barad and Wintergrasp.
Arena Fixes
Entering an Arena should no longer sometimes cause a client crash.
It is now possible to disband an Arena team from the Arena Team management page of the PvP tab.
The Join Battle button on the PvP pane should now function when a team captain attempts to queue.
It should no longer be possible for players to get their pets stuck on the large pillars in the Orgrimmar Arena.
Players joining late to an Arena match will now count for the win condition and will have enemy unit frames.
Battleground Fixes
Players should no longer receive a client crash by going AFK in a Battleground.
There should no longer be a slight delay when returning a flag in Battlegrounds.
The Battleground Rating and Rating Change categories on the Score Screen are now sorting properly.
Arathi Basin
The buff located at the Blacksmith should now always apply when players run through it.
The Goldmine flag no longer counts as two base assaults when captured by the Horde.
Eye of the Storm
Players with only the classic World of Warcraft license attached to their accounts should now be able to access this Battleground.
Isle of Conquest
The Horde gates no longer become large pink cubes when they are destroyed.
The Alliance Keep entrance should not start open at the beginning of the battle.
Vehicle damage now better matches the tooltip.
Using a catapult’s Launch should no longer cause players to sometimes get stuck inside the geometry of the Horde Keep.
Strand of the Ancients
It should no longer be possible for the Alliance boats to not phase out upon the start of round 2.
Move enforcement failures shouldn’t occur while on the ships for either faction.
Twin Peaks
Boots of Speed power-ups were unevenly placed relative to the flags in each base and have been adjusted.
The interface should now properly track the final flag capture for the Horde.
Tol Barad Fixes
The status and timer on the map should now be working correctly.
The Abandoned Siege Engines now make sounds when moving.
Quests & Creatures
Many rare creatures that went into hiding upon Deathwing’s emergence into Azeroth have made a return! In addition to finding new homes in a post-Cataclysm world, they drop new, improved loot, provide a healthy experience bonus, and respawn much more quickly when killed. Happy hunting!
Stranglethorn Vale
Chief Engineer Scooty, formally of Booty Bay, has packed up his Gnomeregan teleporter and lugged it up to Grom’gol in Northern Stranglethorn to better accommodate his Horde customers.
Tol Barad Peninsula
A new achievement, Just Another Day in Tol Barad, has been added for completing all of the Tol Barad daily quests.
Crazed Guards now drop Rusty Rifles.
The spawn rate of Alliance and Horde Infantry for the quest “The Leftovers” has been increased.
The Magnetized Scrap Collector for the quest “Magnets, How Do They Work?” will now be correctly removed from players’ bags upon completing the quest.
Both the Baradin’s Wardens and Hellscream’s Reach Commendations are now Bound to Account items.
Quest turn-in NPCs have been added to Baradin Base Camp and Hellscream’s Reach in Tol Barad Peninsula for the Tol Barad bonus quests. This will allow players to turn in these quests if the original quest givers in Tol Barad are not available.
Kill credit for the Tol Barad bonus quest bosses will now be granted to players who have helped attack them, even if they are not in the same group. These bosses include Problim, Archmage Galus, Warden Silva, and Svarnos.
The Farson Keep Prisoner summoned for the quest “Walk A Mile In Their Shoes” will now only be visible to the player who summoned him.
Spawn rates at Rustberg Village have been increased.
Rusty Rifles will now spawn more frequently at Farson Keep.
Quest & Creature Bug Fixes
Goblin Zeppelin Masters who are marked as Horde faction will no longer cause Alliance players to lose neutral goblin reputation if killed.
Corehounds in Mount Hyjal cannot be tamed by hunters without the required Beast Mastery talent.
Darkwood Lurkers and Broodmothers in Tol Barad Peninsula can now be skinned.
Players should now always receive 6 daily quests in Tol Barad Peninsula as intended, rather than sometimes only getting 5.