In addition to the changes originally listed in this thread, the following change was recently added and is now live on the test realms:
Players gain a new buff after being launched out of the catapult that reduces all falling damage taken.
We intend to make the following changes to Isle of Conquest in the next test realm build:
Increase siege damage from Glaive Thrower.
Increase all damage from Siege Engine and its turrets.
When the parachute effect ends from jumping off the Gunship, players will gain a new buff that reduces all falling damage taken.
Increase the timer before a Catapult without a driver explodes from 30 seconds to 120 seconds.
It would be greatly appreciated if anyone who has experienced the following bug could provide us with as much information as possible on the circumstances surrounding its cause:
Sometimes the Keep Cannons are being despawned and they never return. This should not happen.
Given that the changes originally detailed in this thread are now live, we’d love to get feedback on your experiences in this new Battleground. Is the average length of each battle better now? Did the changes to the Huge Seaforium piles help address the overly advantageous strategy of capturing the Hangar and parachuting into the enemy’s base? Do the Keep Cannons still feel effective now that they do less damage given that you can now repair them? Any information you can provide on your game play experiences will help us a great deal to make this Battleground as fun as possible. Thanks!